v e g e t a r i a n i s m    /    v e g a n i s m

Resource Directory

Phyiscians Committee for Responsible Medicine

The Vegetarian Pages

The Vegetarian Resource Group - FAQ; vegan shoe guide.

Vegging Out - includes vegetarian resources for children.


Vegetarian Publications

Vegetarian Times

Veggie Life

The Vegetarian Journal

Compassionate Dining

Wolrd Guide to Vegetarianism - the Vegetarian Pages.

Veg Dining - online guide to vegetarian dining around the world.

EcoMall Guide to Vegetarian Restaurants

The Vegetable Garden - Rockville, Maryland USA.

Cruelty-Free Shopping

pangea - "The Vegan Store". Rockville, Maryland USA.


MooShoes - New York, New York USA.

Vegetarian Shoes, UK - Worldwide on-line ordering.

VeganShoes, HappyFeet - Birkenstock.

Aesop - the leather alternative.


Vegan Recipes


SoyMilker - Soymilk and tofu machine


Albert Schweitzer, Reverence for Life.

Jesus was a vegetarian.

Famous Vegetarians - it includes quotes, recipes and links as well.

Famous Vegetarians/Vegans - the Vegetarian Pages.

Ainmal Rights

Animal Rights Advocacy

Ainmal Welfare
